First registering for this class, I thought that economics dealt with the way that money is handled and how it can affect many different things around the world. This class seemed interesting to me because it's everywhere and it's seems the more you know about it the better off you will be in managing your own finances and understanding what's going on with what you are buying and selling. I didn't really have any perfect information when signing up for this class.
To me, economics means anything that has to do with money and costs (supply & demand). Like others ahead of me, I'm basically going off of what the description in the booklet said. I've heard that AP Economics is a hard, yet interesting class. This seems like a class that will teach me knowledge that is more valuable than knowing what happened to what pilgrim 500 years ago. I also don't have a math class because I took AP Calc last year, so this seems like a class that somewhat deals with numbers. Oh, and I've also heard Mr. Benson is a sweet teacher. It should be a fun class. I have high expectations for it.
For me, economics means the ability to live my life how I want. It has to do with the financial choices I can make and the interaction between buyers and sellers throughout the world, including myself. I signed up for this class based on the description in the booklet as well as the opinions of my friends, which is hardly perfect information. However, as Kenny said, it seems that this class will provide information that will actually prove to be valuable later in life.
To me, economics is the trading of goods between buyers and sellers and the dealing with micro and macro economics.
The information I was provided with was a brief description in the handbook, and really good reviews from a fellow student previously enrolled in the class. Not exactly what I would call perfect information, but the topic sounded appealing to me.
Studying economics enables us to better understand the world we live in and the forces that drive the people, processes, and affairs of the world. By learning about this, we can make more informed and educated decisions about our own lives. I signed up for the class with imperfect information. Basically, I heard that it was one of the most challenging yet enjoyable classes that a lot of former NHS students had taken and it seemed to be more relevant to the world and life that I'm living in than any other class available, so I signed on.
To me, economics means the buying and selling of goods; the constant flow and movement of money and goods in general, between buyers and sellers. Nothing is ever free to a buyer nor seller. Economics is also these goods and how they relate to people, the decisions they make based on these goods and how these good affect their lives.
I signed up based on the information I read in the school booklet and the wonderful reviews i heard from my peers. I would not say this was perfect information but it was close enough to allow me to make a solid decision. The class sounded interesting to me
For me, economics is the relationship between market factors such as supply and demand and how they affect our daily lives.
The information given to me was not perfect. Most of the input I received about this class was from previous students. Based on my interest in the subject I think this class will expand my knowledge in this area.
I would define economics as the study of monetary gain loss and balances. I did not have perfect information when entering this class. I had only the short paragraph that comes in the registration booklet. I based the descision off of what I knew already versus what I want to know. It is my hope that this class will greatly increase my knowledge in this area.
Economics is a study of trends, of what people buy and how their preferences change. I did not necessarily have the best information when signing up for the course, but I do not feel misled. I heard that it was interesting and useful as well as looking good on college applications.
To me economics is the trade of money and goods, it is also a study of the relationship between people and their finances. I signed up for the class because I work at Super Target and I always here people talking about money exchange and stocks...I never really knew what they were talking about but I realized it was pertinent information. So no, I didn't have perfect information.
To me, economics is the relationship between buyers and sellers and because eveeryone buys things, everyone is a part of the economy. I signed up for this class becuase what I read in teh information booklet sounded interesting and everyone I had talked to that had taken the class had liked it. This is hardly perfect information but I think it will still be a good class.
I see economics basically as buying and selling. I really only know of it as its involvement to money. I think that the information i had was good but not perfect information when choosing this class. I was told to take it by my sister, and I thought based on the booklet that it sounded pretty interesting.
To me, economics is the motivating factor behind the way we live our lives. The flow of goods and services connects the world.
As many people have already stated, this class seems like one of the more relevent classes offered at the school. I didn't have perfect information, but so far, so good.
Economics is a social science. I think it concerns the value of all things and how that value can affect ther est of the world. I signed up for this class because I heard it was interesting, so more by word-of-mouth than based on "perfect information."
Economics is the study of trade, finance and how it affects people in a global sense as well as individually. I believe that economics and money are what tie the world together. With out the sophistication of money, we would still be trading in uncivilized and unefficient ways such as "I will trade you this cow for this sheep" etc. I signed up for this class because I am hoping for a future career in the business world. I know that understanding economics and how the market place works is essential in this particular field. I want to get as much of a head start now in high school so I can one up the other students and competitors in college.
To me, economics means the study of stock, businesses, money trends, people's choices, and how they all connect. I didn't have perfect information when I signed up for this class, but I know that having lots of economic knowledge can help you throughout your life.
For myself, economics is the study of how the world functions based on how products and services are created and how they are redistributed throughout the world through trade and the use of money. I signed up for the class because I have always had an interest in the economy and how world markets are all tied together. The information I received was from other classmates and from the write-up in the booklet. Every classmate had their own opinion, but the majority thought the class was challenging, and very informative about a wide range of economic topics. The booklet made the class sound very interesting. This information was very helpful but was still far from being "perfect."
To me, economics is basically anything that has to do with money and what people do with the money. I decided to take this class because I thought it sounded interesting. I didn't know what it was totally about, but what I did know about it sounded interesting.
To me economics is the MONEY magazine my Grandma gets every month or so, the finance reports, she has me read to her, and the stocks that she keeps track of every day on CNN. Economics means, to me, money and goods- the exchange of, supply of, demand of, etc.
I signed up for the class because I think that it would be useful in the future. The information I got about the class was not perfect but obviously good enough because I'm enrolled in the class...
To me, economics is the study of the distribution, production, and consumption of goods. It surrounds us everyday in almost every aspect of our lives and it is constantly affecting our future at a growing rate. I believe that you must understand many different markets and how they affect you personally and generally. In return, you will then have opportunities otherwise unrecognizable to the untrained eye to advance in certain aspects of your life. Economics is business choices, soceity choices, and individaul choices. It is the evaultion of work and labor. It is deciding between wants and needs and how much you or society is willing to pay for them.
I registered for this class mainly because I am fairly sure I will be studying something to do with business in college. I saw this class as an opportunity to broaden my view and knowledge about different societies, how they interect with each other, the effect that it has on us personally, and so much more. I have also always been very intrigued by the stock market and curious to exactly how it works. I knew that this class had mock "stock market sessions" and I couldn't wait to learn more about it.
As to signing up for this class based on perfect information, how many times do you ever have exact perfect information on anything? How can you have perfect information on a class that is over an entire school year about two or three times a week unless you recorded every single thing that was discussed last year and go exactly off that. I just don't think perfect information is possible for a class like this, where we are learning about something that is constantly changing and constantly being affected by the outside world. What if the stock market crashed tommorrow? If you had perfect information about this class then you wouldn't have known you would be learning about that now would you?
Taking a course on economics will further my knowledge and give me a higher understanding on the world around me. It will effect my life in every aspect in cluding the profits I make in the future. Everything else that I would state has already been posted by the lovely and hard working students in AP Economics.
To me, economics is the study of how money flows in the world, country, and a company. I wanted to take this class because I had heard from others that the class changed your paradigm of how the world works.
I didn't sign up for this class with perfect information because I don't think perfect information is possible to have.
Economics, to me, is the flow of money and trade between all countries, corporations and governments. I took this class for greater knowledge in how economics affects us in every day life and to learn about it in more detail. I did not go into this class with perfect knowledge. Only that this class was fun and difficult, making it all the more interesting.
I did not sign up for this class with perfect information. The description of this class did not adequately describe what we would be learning. To me, economics means "the science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, or the material welfare of humankind."
Economics is the supply and demand relationship within a market. I signed up for the class because I wanted to learn more about economics for future purposes.
When I think of economics a variety of issues and ideas come to mind. Instictively I like to say it's about money, but on the surface it has to do with the types of transactions that go on around the world and the choices people make on a day-to-day basis. I know I can't do justice to the subject, but that's why I signed up for the class. I'd like to link everything I've learned in Government and U.S. History in hopes using the knowledge to make decisions in my life and understand the choices of others.
To me, economics is the study and understanding of the impact of business, trading, politics, and markets that influence everyone in the world day to day. I signed up for the class for many reasons. One reason is that I have learned from parents and family members that economics is an important part of everybody's lives and that understanding how the world works in an economical way helps an adult make smart decisions and follow the world. I feel this class can help me through my entire life because its such an important part of this world. Another reason I signed up for this class was to fill a Standard Level Class requirement for the IB Diploma.
The study of Economics is fairly new to me. My first thoughts were money, the stock market, and international business.
I signed up for this class mainly because of my lack of knowledge on the subject. I hope to change this as quickly as possible. After being briefed, i became very interested in finding out what Economics is truly about. Also, hoping to study business in college, i hope to find it helpful. I definitely psyched for the class.
I think of economics as the managing of money through buying and selling, all in order to continue on the same path. When i signed up for this class i wasn't exactly sure what the content of the curriculum would be. I assumed it would include how to manage money and how money effects the world. I think that this is class will be valuable not only to how i manage my own money in the future, but to give me a new perspective of the world and with the rest of my studies.
I think of economics as the buying and trading of goods or services, and that nothing is free to anyone. I see econimics as a choice to be able to put my money where i want it to go.
I signed up for this class because i thought it would be very benificial later in life. It would be very helpful to be able to understand such an important part of everyday life. I had no perfect information at all
Economics means, to me, the understanding of management and use of money, globally, locally and personally, as well, my financial future and well being.
I heard about this class from a friend, who told me that this class was fun, informative and oriented towards what I would like to study in college, business related. I, as well, read the description from the NHS class booklet which was helpful, but not "perfect".
Economics, to me, is the study of how money circulates between buyers and sellers locally, nationally, and internationally. It also studies how the buying and selling influences each other. Honestly, I signed up for this class because it was the only class the counselors could offer me, but I am still looking forward to the challenge of this class and to the college credit! :) My IB friends told me this was a great class, too. I was not perfectly informed about this class, but really, is it possible to be perfectly informed?
economics to me is the buy and selling of goods in markets. My dad convinvced me to sign up for this class cause he said i was going to go into debt and is really worried about me if i dont learn how to handle money correctly. so if i end up homeless and broke mr benson im blaming it on you :)
economics to me was always the study of the eb and flow of money, how and what affects the financial sittuation of the world. I realize now that it isn't only about money, but all costs, and the economy is the inter-connected relationship of how we, humans,live on earth together with our best self-interest on our minds.
I signed up because I wanted a challenging social studies class, I asked all my friends what AP class would be best to take, Econ came up alot, and phsyc(i had never taken phsyc before). Also Mrs. Peterson said that she thinks Econ is one of the most important classes to take, everyone should be required to take it. so, I decided to take this course because of curiosity and wanting to learn, but definately not based on perfect information.
The study of economics is very important because it affects a person and how they will live. Money is a must in order to survive so understanding it is key. One works hard for their money so why not make their money work for them. With better understanding of a subject one can make wiser decisions which untimely lead them to greater success. Not only is the study of economics important to one culture or society but it effects everyone as a whole. Money is its main basis but it also opens the doors to new ideas, values, and beliefs due to input from many cultures. I took this class because I know I can apply it to my life and my future. I want to better understand money and the economy.
Economics is the study of the how individual decisions effect the world. It also deals with the study of supply and demand.
I signed up for the class because i heard that it was a very interesting class and that it is a very important subject to learn about. But the information was not perfect.
I have never really thought about what economics really was. If I had to say though, it seems to be the path of money throughout society and the uses of it. I signed up for this class because from a friend I had heard it was a really good class and I also think that just knowing the basics of economics is good information to have before graduating.
You always hear about the importance of economics in our country and also on a more local level. Before registering for this class I didn't know exactly what economics consisted of, but had heard it was very interesting and a good thing to know. This class caught my interest because economics is something that i want to learn more about and possibly take it with me into college. This course seemed like a good place to start even if i didn't have perfect information about the subject.
To me economics means the trading of money and goods in a specific market.It involves buyers and sellers.Aspects of economics are involved in many things that are done daily. I didn't have perfect information while signing up for the class.I have a sister who is majoring in economics and she suggested that I sign up, so I did.
Economics involves the cost of buying and selling in terms of money and time. I signed up for the class assuming that it would be a good precursor for college business courses. I never really asked what I would be learning and I didn't read the course description so I guess that wasn't perfect information.
I believe that Economics is pretty much the study of money, the marketplace, and costs. I joined this class for a variety of reasons. MY older brother majored in economics and loved the subject. I personally don't know much about economics and really wanted to find out if economics might be a good field for me. The information i went off was my brother's advice, the school pamphlet, and advice from other people who had taken this class. My information was not perfect, yet it was solid information that helped assist me in my decision to take this class
The study of economics makes it easier for me to understand the world. Everything is tied together my world economies and we as the public should pay much more attention to this area of study.
After the first day of class, i now know that economics is more than just the trade of goods, stock market, supply and demand, etc. (as i falsely believed) but is a more broad topic that essentially deals with financial decisions, material or otherwise, and how we interact with them.
I had almost no information, let alone prefect information, before applying for this course, since i replaced SL psych with AP/IB economics at the advice of my peers.
Economics means many things to me, but there is one thing that sticks out the most, and that thing is money. I didn't enter this class with perfect knowledge of what I would be learning, however, I joined knowing that I would be learning. With facts and opinions from friends I made the decision to enter this class hoping it will give me the much needed knowledge for college and life past that.
to be honest, i did not sign up for economics. However, during the summer I decided I want to study business in college, and what better way to take my first step then by taking economics, I have realized this class will take some adjusting too being that I do not realy have the "economic mindset" right now.
So I'm sure the description of this class was not perfect information but that's all right, nothing ever seems to be. Economics to me is all about cost wether it's spending time or money it will still cost you either. I hope to gain a knowledge and understanding to reduce my time, and money costs to live in a more efficint way, practical way.
Well for me I wanted to join this class to better understand the flow of money. Economics, I imagine, would be a good course to take if you plan on working period. I want to minor in buisness in collage as well, so every little bit of information can help ( weather it be from this class or somewhere else). I don't think anyone had perfect information...
Originally, I didn't know exactly what economics meant. All that I knew was that it deals with money, through the production and distribution of goods and that it is necessary to have some knowledge of economics if you want to take a part in the business world today. I did not know exactly what we would be learning in class, but because I plan on studying international business, I decided to sign up for the class. So, I assumed that this would be a beneficial class for me because I should know about economics if I want to work in the (international) business industry.
Economics is a science that measures human behavior more than anything else and the course of this behavior between others and the dynamics that exist in a larger scale or of a different environment. The only information I had going into this class was that a pessimistic, nearly apathetic friend of mine took the course, and appreciated the class. So no, my information was not nearly as perfect as it could have been.
I really had no idea what I was getting into when I entered this class. The main reason I did it was because I may want to major in bussiness. I think it is interesting so far adn I am excited to see what we learn next
Economics is the study of how nothing is free for anyone...ever...and the study of all things money...and goods...with trade value...
And I signed up because the description sounded interesting...and yeah...definitely not perfect information though...
First registering for this class, I thought that economics dealt with the way that money is handled and how it can affect many different things around the world. This class seemed interesting to me because it's everywhere and it's seems the more you know about it the better off you will be in managing your own finances and understanding what's going on with what you are buying and selling. I didn't really have any perfect information when signing up for this class.
To me, economics means anything that has to do with money and costs (supply & demand). Like others ahead of me, I'm basically going off of what the description in the booklet said. I've heard that AP Economics is a hard, yet interesting class. This seems like a class that will teach me knowledge that is more valuable than knowing what happened to what pilgrim 500 years ago. I also don't have a math class because I took AP Calc last year, so this seems like a class that somewhat deals with numbers. Oh, and I've also heard Mr. Benson is a sweet teacher. It should be a fun class. I have high expectations for it.
For me, economics means the ability to live my life how I want. It has to do with the financial choices I can make and the interaction between buyers and sellers throughout the world, including myself. I signed up for this class based on the description in the booklet as well as the opinions of my friends, which is hardly perfect information. However, as Kenny said, it seems that this class will provide information that will actually prove to be valuable later in life.
To me, economics is the trading of goods between buyers and sellers and the dealing with micro and macro economics.
The information I was provided with was a brief description in the handbook, and really good reviews from a fellow student previously enrolled in the class. Not exactly what I would call perfect information, but the topic sounded appealing to me.
Studying economics enables us to better understand the world we live in and the forces that drive the people, processes, and affairs of the world. By learning about this, we can make more informed and educated decisions about our own lives. I signed up for the class with imperfect information. Basically, I heard that it was one of the most challenging yet enjoyable classes that a lot of former NHS students had taken and it seemed to be more relevant to the world and life that I'm living in than any other class available, so I signed on.
To me, economics means the buying and selling of goods; the constant flow and movement of money and goods in general, between buyers and sellers. Nothing is ever free to a buyer nor seller. Economics is also these goods and how they relate to people, the decisions they make based on these goods and how these good affect their lives.
I signed up based on the information I read in the school booklet and the wonderful reviews i heard from my peers. I would not say this was perfect information but it was close enough to allow me to make a solid decision. The class sounded interesting to me
For me, economics is the relationship between market factors such as supply and demand and how they affect our daily lives.
The information given to me was not perfect. Most of the input I received about this class was from previous students. Based on my interest in the subject I think this class will expand my knowledge in this area.
I would define economics as the study of monetary gain loss and balances. I did not have perfect information when entering this class. I had only the short paragraph that comes in the registration booklet. I based the descision off of what I knew already versus what I want to know. It is my hope that this class will greatly increase my knowledge in this area.
Economics is a study of trends, of what people buy and how their preferences change. I did not necessarily have the best information when signing up for the course, but I do not feel misled. I heard that it was interesting and useful as well as looking good on college applications.
To me economics is the trade of money and goods, it is also a study of the relationship between people and their finances. I signed up for the class because I work at Super Target and I always here people talking about money exchange and stocks...I never really knew what they were talking about but I realized it was pertinent information. So no, I didn't have perfect information.
To me, economics is the relationship between buyers and sellers and because eveeryone buys things, everyone is a part of the economy. I signed up for this class becuase what I read in teh information booklet sounded interesting and everyone I had talked to that had taken the class had liked it. This is hardly perfect information but I think it will still be a good class.
I see economics basically as buying and selling. I really only know of it as its involvement to money. I think that the information i had was good but not perfect information when choosing this class. I was told to take it by my sister, and I thought based on the booklet that it sounded pretty interesting.
To me, economics is the motivating factor behind the way we live our lives. The flow of goods and services connects the world.
As many people have already stated, this class seems like one of the more relevent classes offered at the school. I didn't have perfect information, but so far, so good.
Economics is a social science. I think it concerns the value of all things and how that value can affect ther est of the world. I signed up for this class because I heard it was interesting, so more by word-of-mouth than based on "perfect information."
Economics is the study of trade, finance and how it affects people in a global sense as well as individually. I believe that economics and money are what tie the world together. With out the sophistication of money, we would still be trading in uncivilized and unefficient ways such as "I will trade you this cow for this sheep" etc.
I signed up for this class because I am hoping for a future career in the business world. I know that understanding economics and how the market place works is essential in this particular field. I want to get as much of a head start now in high school so I can one up the other students and competitors in college.
To me, economics means the study of stock, businesses, money trends, people's choices, and how they all connect. I didn't have perfect information when I signed up for this class, but I know that having lots of economic knowledge can help you throughout your life.
For myself, economics is the study of how the world functions based on how products and services are created and how they are redistributed throughout the world through trade and the use of money. I signed up for the class because I have always had an interest in the economy and how world markets are all tied together. The information I received was from other classmates and from the write-up in the booklet. Every classmate had their own opinion, but the majority thought the class was challenging, and very informative about a wide range of economic topics. The booklet made the class sound very interesting. This information was very helpful but was still far from being "perfect."
To me, economics is basically anything that has to do with money and what people do with the money. I decided to take this class because I thought it sounded interesting. I didn't know what it was totally about, but what I did know about it sounded interesting.
To me economics is the MONEY magazine my Grandma gets every month or so, the finance reports, she has me read to her, and the stocks that she keeps track of every day on CNN. Economics means, to me, money and goods- the exchange of, supply of, demand of, etc.
I signed up for the class because I think that it would be useful in the future. The information I got about the class was not perfect but obviously good enough because I'm enrolled in the class...
To me, economics is the study of the distribution, production, and consumption of goods. It surrounds us everyday in almost every aspect of our lives and it is constantly affecting our future at a growing rate. I believe that you must understand many different markets and how they affect you personally and generally. In return, you will then have opportunities otherwise unrecognizable to the untrained eye to advance in certain aspects of your life. Economics is business choices, soceity choices, and individaul choices. It is the evaultion of work and labor. It is deciding between wants and needs and how much you or society is willing to pay for them.
I registered for this class mainly because I am fairly sure I will be studying something to do with business in college. I saw this class as an opportunity to broaden my view and knowledge about different societies, how they interect with each other, the effect that it has on us personally, and so much more. I have also always been very intrigued by the stock market and curious to exactly how it works. I knew that this class had mock "stock market sessions" and I couldn't wait to learn more about it.
As to signing up for this class based on perfect information, how many times do you ever have exact perfect information on anything? How can you have perfect information on a class that is over an entire school year about two or three times a week unless you recorded every single thing that was discussed last year and go exactly off that. I just don't think perfect information is possible for a class like this, where we are learning about something that is constantly changing and constantly being affected by the outside world.
What if the stock market crashed tommorrow? If you had perfect information about this class then you wouldn't have known you would be learning about that now would you?
Taking a course on economics will further my knowledge and give me a higher understanding on the world around me. It will effect my life in every aspect in cluding the profits I make in the future. Everything else that I would state has already been posted by the lovely and hard working students in AP Economics.
To me, economics is the study of how money flows in the world, country, and a company. I wanted to take this class because I had heard from others that the class changed your paradigm of how the world works.
I didn't sign up for this class with perfect information because I don't think perfect information is possible to have.
Economics, to me, is the flow of money and trade between all countries, corporations and governments. I took this class for greater knowledge in how economics affects us in every day life and to learn about it in more detail. I did not go into this class with perfect knowledge. Only that this class was fun and difficult, making it all the more interesting.
I did not sign up for this class with perfect information. The description of this class did not adequately describe what we would be learning.
To me, economics means "the science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, or the material welfare of humankind."
Economics is the supply and demand relationship within a market. I signed up for the class because I wanted to learn more about economics for future purposes.
When I think of economics a variety of issues and ideas come to mind. Instictively I like to say it's about money, but on the surface it has to do with the types of transactions that go on around the world and the choices people make on a day-to-day basis. I know I can't do justice to the subject, but that's why I signed up for the class. I'd like to link everything I've learned in Government and U.S. History in hopes using the knowledge to make decisions in my life and understand the choices of others.
To me, economics is the study and understanding of the impact of business, trading, politics, and markets that influence everyone in the world day to day. I signed up for the class for many reasons. One reason is that I have learned from parents and family members that economics is an important part of everybody's lives and that understanding how the world works in an economical way helps an adult make smart decisions and follow the world. I feel this class can help me through my entire life because its such an important part of this world. Another reason I signed up for this class was to fill a Standard Level Class requirement for the IB Diploma.
The study of Economics is fairly new to me. My first thoughts were money, the stock market, and international business.
I signed up for this class mainly because of my lack of knowledge on the subject. I hope to change this as quickly as possible. After being briefed, i became very interested in finding out what Economics is truly about. Also, hoping to study business in college, i hope to find it helpful. I definitely psyched for the class.
I think of economics as the managing of money through buying and selling, all in order to continue on the same path. When i signed up for this class i wasn't exactly sure what the content of the curriculum would be. I assumed it would include how to manage money and how money effects the world. I think that this is class will be valuable not only to how i manage my own money in the future, but to give me a new perspective of the world and with the rest of my studies.
Well thanks for making us all look bad mckinsie!
I think of economics as the buying and trading of goods or services, and that nothing is free to anyone. I see econimics as a choice to be able to put my money where i want it to go.
I signed up for this class because i thought it would be very benificial later in life. It would be very helpful to be able to understand such an important part of everyday life. I had no perfect information at all
Economics means, to me, the understanding of management and use of money, globally, locally and personally, as well, my financial future and well being.
I heard about this class from a friend, who told me that this class was fun, informative and oriented towards what I would like to study in college, business related. I, as well, read the description from the NHS class booklet which was helpful, but not "perfect".
To me, economics is the study of finance and how to deal with money, trades, and properties.
I signed up for this course because friends that took it told me that it was a fun class that taught you really good information.
Economics, to me, is the study of how money circulates between buyers and sellers locally, nationally, and internationally. It also studies how the buying and selling influences each other. Honestly, I signed up for this class because it was the only class the counselors could offer me, but I am still looking forward to the challenge of this class and to the college credit! :)
My IB friends told me this was a great class, too. I was not perfectly informed about this class, but really, is it possible to be perfectly informed?
economics to me is the buy and selling of goods in markets. My dad convinvced me to sign up for this class cause he said i was going to go into debt and is really worried about me if i dont learn how to handle money correctly. so if i end up homeless and broke mr benson im blaming it on you :)
economics to me was always the study of the eb and flow of money, how and what affects the financial sittuation of the world. I realize now that it isn't only about money, but all costs, and the economy is the inter-connected relationship of how we, humans,live on earth together with our best self-interest on our minds.
I signed up because I wanted a challenging social studies class, I asked all my friends what AP class would be best to take, Econ came up alot, and phsyc(i had never taken phsyc before). Also Mrs. Peterson said that she thinks Econ is one of the most important classes to take, everyone should be required to take it. so, I decided to take this course because of curiosity and wanting to learn, but definately not based on perfect information.
The study of economics is very important because it affects a person and how they will live. Money is a must in order to survive so understanding it is key. One works hard for their money so why not make their money work for them. With better understanding of a subject one can make wiser decisions which untimely lead them to greater success. Not only is the study of economics important to one culture or society but it effects everyone as a whole. Money is its main basis but it also opens the doors to new ideas, values, and beliefs due to input from many cultures.
I took this class because I know I can apply it to my life and my future. I want to better understand money and the economy.
Economics is the study of the how individual decisions effect the world. It also deals with the study of supply and demand.
I signed up for the class because i heard that it was a very interesting class and that it is a very important subject to learn about. But the information was not perfect.
I have never really thought about what economics really was. If I had to say though, it seems to be the path of money throughout society and the uses of it. I signed up for this class because from a friend I had heard it was a really good class and I also think that just knowing the basics of economics is good information to have before graduating.
You always hear about the importance of economics in our country and also on a more local level. Before registering for this class I didn't know exactly what economics consisted of, but had heard it was very interesting and a good thing to know. This class caught my interest because economics is something that i want to learn more about and possibly take it with me into college. This course seemed like a good place to start even if i didn't have perfect information about the subject.
To me economics means the trading of money and goods in a specific market.It involves buyers and sellers.Aspects of economics are involved in many things that are done daily.
I didn't have perfect information while signing up for the class.I have a sister who is majoring in economics and she suggested that I sign up, so I did.
Economics involves the cost of buying and selling in terms of money and time. I signed up for the class assuming that it would be a good precursor for college business courses. I never really asked what I would be learning and I didn't read the course description so I guess that wasn't perfect information.
Economics is a social science concerned chiefly with description and analysis of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.
I joined this class because I heard it was productive & it was an AP class.
I believe that Economics is pretty much the study of money, the marketplace, and costs. I joined this class for a variety of reasons. MY older brother majored in economics and loved the subject. I personally don't know much about economics and really wanted to find out if economics might be a good field for me.
The information i went off was my brother's advice, the school pamphlet, and advice from other people who had taken this class. My information was not perfect, yet it was solid information that helped assist me in my decision to take this class
The study of economics makes it easier for me to understand the world. Everything is tied together my world economies and we as the public should pay much more attention to this area of study.
After the first day of class, i now know that economics is more than just the trade of goods, stock market, supply and demand, etc. (as i falsely believed) but is a more broad topic that essentially deals with financial decisions, material or otherwise, and how we interact with them.
I had almost no information, let alone prefect information, before applying for this course, since i replaced SL psych with AP/IB economics at the advice of my peers.
Economics means many things to me, but there is one thing that sticks out the most, and that thing is money. I didn't enter this class with perfect knowledge of what I would be learning, however, I joined knowing that I would be learning. With facts and opinions from friends I made the decision to enter this class hoping it will give me the much needed knowledge for college and life past that.
to be honest, i did not sign up for economics. However, during the summer I decided I want to study business in college, and what better way to take my first step then by taking economics, I have realized this class will take some adjusting too being that I do not realy have the "economic mindset" right now.
So I'm sure the description of this class was not perfect information but that's all right, nothing ever seems to be. Economics to me is all about cost wether it's spending time or money it will still cost you either. I hope to gain a knowledge and understanding to reduce my time, and money costs to live in a more efficint way, practical way.
Well for me I wanted to join this class to better understand the flow of money. Economics, I imagine, would be a good course to take if you plan on working period. I want to minor in buisness in collage as well, so every little bit of information can help ( weather it be from this class or somewhere else). I don't think anyone had perfect information...
Originally, I didn't know exactly what economics meant. All that I knew was that it deals with money, through the production and distribution of goods and that it is necessary to have some knowledge of economics if you want to take a part in the business world today. I did not know exactly what we would be learning in class, but because I plan on studying international business, I decided to sign up for the class. So, I assumed that this would be a beneficial class for me because I should know about economics if I want to work in the (international) business industry.
Economics is the study of what people want and the methods they use of getting it.
I didn't know much about it in a formal sense, so I signed myself up. And I doubt that a short blurb in the course directory is "perfect information".
Economics is a science that measures human behavior more than anything else and the course of this behavior between others and the dynamics that exist in a larger scale or of a different environment. The only information I had going into this class was that a pessimistic, nearly apathetic friend of mine took the course, and appreciated the class. So no, my information was not nearly as perfect as it could have been.
I really had no idea what I was getting into when I entered this class. The main reason I did it was because I may want to major in bussiness. I think it is interesting so far adn I am excited to see what we learn next
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